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red herring artinya

contoh kalimat "red herring"
  • What does that mean, anyway-- a red herring?
    Apa maksudnya itu sih, herring merah?
  • I saw your red herring, the video.
    Aku sudah melihat Red Herring-mu, video itu.
  • Poirot has one more red herring left to fry.
    Aku masih punya satu lagi ikan haring merah untuk digoreng.
  • That station is a red herring maneuver!
    stasiun Itu manuver herring merah!
  • Virus is a red herring.
    Virus ini bernama Red Herring.
  • He's a red herring.
    Dia itu ikan herring merah.
  • Ooh, red herrings, huh?
    Ooh, herring merah, ya?
  • A red herring is what you look in to regardless of what Jane tells you.
    Herring merah adalah apa yang kamu periksa tidak peduli apa kata Jane.
  • That's a lot of trouble to go through for a red herring, don't you think?
    Banyak rintangan yang harus dilewati seekor ikan merah, kau pikir begitu kan?
  • We love things like plot twists and red herrings and surprise endings.
    Kita menyukai hal-hal seperti alur cerita yang dipelintir dan pengalih perhatian serta akhir cerita yang mengejutkan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata benda
  • any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue

  • a first draft of a prospectus; must be clearly marked to indicate that parts may be changed in the final prospectus; "because some portions of the cover page are printed in red ink a preliminary prospectus is sometimes called a red herring"
    Sinonim: preliminary prospectus,

  • a dried and smoked herring having a reddish color
    Sinonim: smoked herring,